List at least 8 items
I declare that to the best of my knowledge, all particulars I have given and complete and true. I understand that any false declaration, misleading statement, factual discrepancy or omission may disqualify me from employment or render me liable to dismissal.
I consent under Data Protection Legislation to the Company processing the information I have provided on this questionnaire for the purpose of assessing my health and suitability for employment.
I understand and agree that the information will be retained for as long as the Company deems necessary and that the information may be passed to a third party such as a medical assessor for comments.
Offences which are deemed to be "spent" under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 - need not be mentioned.
I can confirm that the following have been explained to me and I understand completely.
1. My timesheet / Receipts must be in by the latest 5.00pm Sunday afternoon.
2. Holidays of 1 week or more are booked at least two weeks in advance.
3. Any accidents must be reported to both the office and the client you are working for immediately.
4. Any work conducted outside of Silver Arrow’s employment must be reported.
5. All payroll queries must be sent to payroll within a week - payroll@silverarrow.co.uk.
6. All infringements must be signed and returned within 1 week.
7. I will record all working time on my tachograph including any manual entries required and I understand that failure to do so may result in not being paid
8. I will download my tacho daily at the end of my shift (at the end of the week if tramping).
9. If required I will sign in and out of Customers premises.
I hereby give permission for SILVER ARROW RECRUITMENT LTD to check my licence using the DVLA online checking system and pass these details to clients where applicable. I understand that my personal information will be used for these purposes only.
1. Introduction
1.1 The Brit European Group Substance Misuse Policy sets out the Group’s position and approach to the use of drugs and alcohol.
1.2 The purpose of the policy is to: 1.2.1 Maintain healthy, safe, legal and productive working conditions for those engaged in Group business.
1.2.2 Ensure that the use of alcohol or drugs does not affect the health, safety and wellbeing of anyone engaged in Group business, so far as is reasonably practicable, together with any party likely to be affected by their acts or omissions.
1.2.3 Protect the Group, its directors and secretaries from any legal proceedings or prosecutions under both criminal and civil law by establishing safe practices.
1.2.4 Establish clear processes and procedures for any personnel engaged in Group business who are established to have consumed or been under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, or have an addiction or dependency with the same.
1.3 The policy applies to all core and temporary employees, contractors, consultants and any other persons engaged by the Group and its operations.
1.4 The policy makes use of the following terms and definitions:
1.4.1 The Group – Any of the subsidiary companies collectively operating as The Brit European Group.
1.4.2 Alcohol – Any beverage which contains an intoxicating constituent. 1.4.3 Drugs – Any substance covered by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, prescribed & over-the-counter medication, solvents and any similar substances.
1.4.4 Misuse – The continued use of any mind-altering substance that is likely to affect a person’s physical or mental ability, physical or mental health, social situation or any responsibility.
1.4.5 Testing – The procedure used to identify the presence and/or level of any drugs or alcohol in the system of anyone covered by this policy.
1.4.6 Dependency – Physical reliance on a substance, characterised by the symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal.
1.4.7 Addiction – A marked change in behaviour caused by biomechanical changes in the brain after continued substance misuse.
2. Principles
2.1 The use of alcohol or drugs by anyone covered by this policy is prohibited at any time, when it is likely to impact on any aspect of their work performance.
2.2 The use of prescription or over-the-counter medication by anyone covered by this policy which may impact on any aspect of their work performance must be reported to the Group via the appropriate channel.
2.3 Dispensing, distributing, processing, selling, offering to buy or using any drugs covered by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is prohibited. Any such activity will be treated as gross misconduct, and also reported to the police.
2.4 Anyone covered by this policy must not consume alcohol on any of the Group’s premises, or the premises of its Customers, unless as part of any authorised work-related or social function.
2.5 Alcohol or drugs must not be transported or stored in any Group vehicle (unless with express permission from a Director).
2.6 Any Group employee found to have breached the policy will be subject to disciplinary proceedings (the potential outcome of which could be termination of employment). Any other person covered by the policy found to be in breach may be liable for immediate termination of their engagement with the Group. Given the nature of the Group’s work any such breaches are treated with the utmost seriousness.
2.7 Any refusal from anyone covered by this policy to undergo any part of the testing procedure for drugs or alcohol will be treated as gross misconduct or a potential engagement termination matter.
2.8 The Group reserves the right to search anyone covered by this policy, and their property, held on Group premises (including vehicles) at any time if there are reasonable grounds to believe that a breach of the policy has occurred.
2.9 Any refusal from anyone covered by this policy to comply with any justifiable search procedures will most likely be treated as gross misconduct or a potential engagement termination matter.
2.10 Should anyone covered by this policy make it known to the Group by means of their own free will, and not as the result of an impending test or test failure, that they are subject to a substance dependency or addiction issue, this will be taken into account before the next steps are considered. The Group may provide reasonable assistance in the initial stages of dealing with the dependency or addiction. This may not exclude disciplinary action or engagement termination, should the circumstances prove to be appropriate.
3. Testing - Criteria
3.1 Testing will take place in the following instances:
3.1.1 LGV Drivers During the recruitment and induction process. Up to four times per year as part of the driver audit process. For cause testing, ie. where there is reason to believe that the person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Random testing.
3.1.2 Staff who drive on Group business For cause testing. Random testing.
3.1.3 Staff who do not drive on Group business, and anyone else covered by this policy For cause testing.
3.2 A failure at the recruitment stage is defined as anything above a negative result, for both drugs and alcohol. Such a failure will result in immediate cessation of the recruitment process.
4. Testing - Devices
4.1 The devices used for testing are:
4.1.1 Alcohol – Intoximeter Alco-Sensor FST – This device measures microgrammes of alcohol per 100ml of breath.
4.1.2 Drugs – Intelligent Fingerprinting DSR-Plus – This device detects the presence of cocaine, cannabinoids, methamphetamines and opiates via fingerprint analysis.
4.2 Both devices are police approved.
4.3 Both devices will be operated by Group appointed personnel who have been suitably trained in the operation of each device, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
4.4 Both devices will be stored, transported, maintained and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
5. Testing – Results Management
5.1 Following testing for alcohol, the results will be processed to the following criteria:
Result Action 0.00 – 0.01 • This is a negative alcohol test. • The Tester must photograph the result shown on the device display and email to head office, along with the signed consent form, for inclusion on the test subject’s file and alcohol testing log. • The test subject can be permitted to continue with their duties.
0.02 – 0.07 • The test subject must be informed that alcohol has been detected. • The test subject must be reminded of the limits laid down in the Policy, and the consequences of breaching those limits. This must be recorded on a Remedial Action Form. • The Tester must photograph the result shown on the device display and email to head office, along with the signed consent form, for inclusion on the test subject’s employment record and alcohol testing log. The test subject can be permitted to continue with their duties.
0.08 – 0.22 First Offence • The test subject must be informed that alcohol has been detected at an unacceptable level in accordance with the Policy. • The test subject must be informed that they will be issued with a formal warning letter from the Senior Compliance Manager, which will remain on their file. • The Tester must photograph the result shown on the device display and email to head office, along with the signed consent form, for inclusion on the test subject’s employment record and alcohol testing log. • The test subject can be permitted to continue with their duties. Second Offence • The test subject must be informed that alcohol has been detected at an unacceptable level in accordance with the policy for the second occasion, and that they will be subject to disciplinary action. • The Tester must photograph the result shown on the device display and email to head office, along with the signed consent form, for inclusion on the test subject’s employment record and alcohol testing log. • The test subject can be permitted to continue with their duties. • The Tester must report the breach to the Group Risk Management Advisor, who will arrange for the commencement of disciplinary action. Third Offence • The test subject must be informed that alcohol has been detected at an unacceptable level in accordance with the policy for the third occasion. • The test subject must not be permitted to continue with their duties. • The Tester must contact the Senior Compliance Manager immediately to arrange for the suspension of the test subject. • The Senior Compliance Manager will arrange for the commencement of disciplinary action.
Above 0.22 • The test subject must be informed that alcohol has been detected at an engagement termination level in accordance with the policy. • The test subject must not be permitted to continue with their duties. • The Tester must contact the Senior Compliance Manager immediately to arrange for the suspension of the test subject. • The Senior Compliance Manager will arrange for the commencement of disciplinary action.
5.2 Following testing for drugs, any indication of the presence of the same will be treated as a positive test.
5.3 The person will be cautioned that they have tested positive for drugs, resulting in one of the following:
5.3.1 Employees will be suspended on a precautionary basis, pending a disciplinary process which will most likely lead to their dismissal.
5.3.2 Anyone else covered by this policy will be informed their engagement has been terminated with immediate effect.
5.4 Any test result produced by the police, in the absence of testing by the Group, will be treated as definitive and actioned in accordance with the policy. 6. I acknowledge receipt of and my understanding of the terms of the Brit European Group Substance Misuse Policy
• The data controller responsible for the processing of that personal data is Kara McCabe. Contact with the data controller in relation to processing that data can be made through the following email address: datacontroller@silverarrow.co.uk
• The purpose of processing the data is to enable appropriate management of the engagement/employment relationship between the individual and the company, including but not limited to the processing of payments/benefits and compliance with the company, regulatory and statutory duties. The basis for the processing falls within regulation 6(1)(b) of the regulations which enables processing necessary for the performance of a contract (or its preparatory steps),
• Personal details related to payroll, accounting, pension, life insurance, company insurance, driving licence checking and healthcare will be provided to the company’s third-party suppliers to enable appropriate processing. Those suppliers are subject to strict confidentiality restrictions as part of their service supply. • In relation to special categories of personal data such as race/ethnic origin, religious beliefs and the processing of health details, these are processed lawfully under Article 9(2)(b) that it is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising the specific rights of the controller in the field of employment law (ensuring compliance with the Equality Act 2010) or Article 9 (2)(h) which is that it is necessary for the purposes of preventative or occupational medicine for the assessment of the working capacity.
• Personal data will be received and processed by the data controller and only otherwise considered by individuals engaged in providing specific services such as collating information for payroll and managers within the company who are actively engaged with an individual’s management (and the issues arising from it) and as required for that purpose (including but not limited to training).
• Hard copies of personal data are stored in a filing system to which only the data controller and those authorised in relation to compliance administration can access.
• Personal data stored online is only accessible by those authorised in relation to compliance administration through a separate drive on the server which is not accessible to any other employee.
• Personal data will be stored for a period of 7 years after the conclusion of an individual’s employment (the data being retained to comply with statutory requirements and in consideration of legal claim time limits) save that which relates to relevant personal injury claims which will be retained indefinitely after the conclusion of an individual’s employment. Should an individual request that certain personal data not be processed, this may require consideration being given to the continuity of their ongoing engagement with the company, depending on the circumstances.
• An individual whose personal data is being processed has the right to request from the data controller: o Access to it o Rectification of it o Restriction of its processing o Objection to its processing; and/or o That it be transferred to another organisation o To be notified of the source from which the personal data originated where it came from a third-party source, and to state, if applicable, whether the personal data came from publicly accessible sources. in certain circumstances. Please see the ICO Guidelines (at the website below) for further details;
• There is also the right to lodge a complaint with the ICO in relation to the processing of personal data. The ICO’s website has details on this at www.ico.org.uk • Individuals are required to keep the company up to date with any changes to the personal data supplied so that accuracy is ensured.
• If an individual receives a company email address during their employment/engagement, they are to comply with the company’s internet and email usage policies. Copies are retained of all emails sent from company email addresses and received and are stored securely. Access to those emails beyond the sender(s) and recipient(s) can only occur with Director approval. Individuals are reminded that any personal data provided in such emails will be automatically stored to ensure compliance with legal duties. Individuals should limit the disclosure of personal data/special category personal data unless necessary. I hereby give permission for SILVER ARROW RECRUITMENT LTD to contact me via e-mail regarding job vacancies, news, competitions and industry related information
• I hereby give permission for SILVER ARROW RECRUITMENT LTD to contact me via e-mail regarding job vacancies, news, competitions and industry related information
I have read and understood the contents of this document.
1.1 The definitions and rules of interpretation in this clause apply to this agreement.
Assignment: the temporary services to be carried out by the Temporary Worker for the Client, as more particularly described in clause 3 and in the Booking Placement Form.
AWR 2010: the Agency Workers Regulations 2010 (SI 2010/93). Booking Placement Form: written confirmation of the detail of a particular Assignment to be given to the Temporary Worker on acceptance of that Assignment, attached at the Schedule.
Business Day: a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday when banks are open for business.
Calendar Week: shall have the meaning in regulation 7(4) of the AWR 2010.
Client: the person, firm, partnership, company or Group company (as the case may be) to whom the Temporary Worker is Introduced or supplied.
Conduct Regulations 2003: the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Business Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/3319).
Confidential Information: information in whatever form (including without limitation, in written, oral, visual or electronic form or on any magnetic or optical disk or memory and wherever located) relating to the business, customers, products, affairs and finances of the Client, the Employment Business or any Group company for the time being confidential to the Client, the Employment Business or any Group company and trade secrets including, without limitation, technical data and know-how relating to the business of the Client or the Employment Business or of any Group company or any of their suppliers, customers, agents, distributors, shareholders, management or business contacts, and including (but not limited to) any information that the Temporary Worker creates, develops, receives or obtains in connection with the Assignment, whether or not such information (if in anything other than oral form) is marked confidential.
Engage: the employment of a Temporary Worker or the engagement directly or indirectly through any employment business other than through the Employment Business (whether for a definite or indefinite period) of a Temporary Worker as a direct result of any Introduction or Assignment to the Client and the term Engaged shall be construed accordingly.
Group: in relation to a company, that company, each and any subsidiary or holding or associated company from time to time of that company, and each and any subsidiary from time to time of a holding or associated company of that company.
Holding company: has the meaning given in clause 1.5.
Introduce: the provision to the Client of information by the Employment Business which identifies the Temporary Worker and Introduction and Introduced shall be construed accordingly.
Introduction Fee: a fee payable by the Client to the Employment Business in the circumstances set out in clause 4.
Qualifying Period: 12 continuous Calendar Weeks, as defined in regulation 7 of the AWR 2010, subject always to regulations 8 and 9 of the AWR 2010.
Rate of Pay: the rate of pay that will be paid to the Temporary Worker. Such rate will be paid for each hour worked during an Assignment (to the nearest quarter hour) weekly in arrears, subject to any deductions that the Employment Business is required to make by law and to any deductions which the Temporary Worker has specifically agreed can be made.
Relevant Period: means (a) the period of 8 weeks commencing on the day after the last day on which the Agency Worker worked for the Hirer having been supplied by the Employment Business; or (b) the period of 14 weeks commencing on the first day on which the Agency Worker worked for the Hirer having been supplied by the Employment Business or 14 weeks from the first day of the most recent Assignment where there has been a break of more than 6 weeks (42 days) since any previous assignment.
Relevant Terms and Conditions: the relevant terms and conditions as defined in regulation 6 of the AWR 2010 that apply once the Temporary Worker has completed the Qualifying Period.
Required Assignment Information: shall have the meaning set out at clause 3.3.
Subsidiary: has the meaning given in clause 1.5. Associated: a company as defined in clause 1.5.
Temporary Worker: a worker Introduced and supplied by the Employment Business to the Client to provide services to the Client not as an employee of the Client, who is deemed to be an agency worker for the purposes of regulation 3 of the AWR 2010.
Temporary Work Agency: shall have the meaning set out in regulation 4(1) of the AWR 2010.
Vulnerable Person: shall have the meaning set out in regulation 2 of the Conduct Regulations 2003.
WTR 1998: the Working Time Regulations 1998 (SI 1988/1833).
1.2 A person includes a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body (whether or not having separate legal personality).
1.3 The Schedules form part of this agreement and shall have effect as if set out in full in the body of this agreement. Any reference to this agreement includes the Schedules.
1.4 A reference to a company shall include any company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and however incorporated or established.
1.5 A reference to a Holding company or a subsidiary or associated company means a Holding company or a subsidiary or associated company (as the case may be) as defined in sections 1152 and 1159 of the Companies Act 2006. In the case of a limited liability partnership which is a subsidiary of a company or another limited liability partnership, section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006 shall be amended so that: (a) references in sections 1159(1)(a) and (c) to voting rights are to the members' rights to vote on all or substantially all matters which are decided by a vote of the members of the limited liability partnership; and (b) the reference in section 1159(1)(b) to the right to appoint or remove a majority of its board of directors is to the right to appoint or remove members holding a majority of the voting rights.
1.6 A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as amended, extended or re-enacted.
1.7 A reference to a statute or statutory provision shall include all subordinate legislation made under that statute or statutory provision.
1.8 A reference to writing or written includes fax and/or e-mail.
1.9 Any obligation on a party not to do something includes an obligation not to allow that thing to be done.
1.10 Any words following the terms including, include, in particular, for example or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.
2.1 These terms set out the entire agreement between the Employment Business and the Temporary Worker for the supply of services to the Client and shall govern all Assignments undertaken by the Temporary Worker (including, for the avoidance of doubt, where the Temporary Worker undertakes an Assignment without having signed these terms). No contract shall exist between the Employment Business and the Temporary Worker between Assignments.
2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, this agreement constitutes a contract for services and not a contract of employment between the Employment Business and the Temporary Worker or the Temporary Worker and the Client.
2.3 For the purposes of the Conduct Regulations 2003, the Employment Business acts as an Employment Business in relation to the Introduction and supply of the Temporary Worker to the Client.
3.1 The Employment Business will endeavour to obtain suitable Assignments for the Temporary Worker to perform such as driving light commercial vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, fork lift trucks or the performance of warehouse operator duties. The type of work will be specified in the Booking Placement Form. The Employment Business is not obliged to offer an Assignment to the Temporary Worker and the Temporary Worker shall not be obliged to accept any Assignment offered by the Employment Business.
3.2 The Temporary Worker acknowledges that the nature of temporary work means that there may be periods when no suitable work is available. The Temporary Worker agrees that suitability of an Assignment shall be determined solely by the Employment Business and that the Employment Business shall incur no liability to the Temporary Worker should it fail to offer Assignments of the type of work specified in the Booking Placement Form or any other work.
3.3 Except as provided below, at the same time as an Assignment is offered to the Temporary Worker, the Employment Business shall provide the Temporary Worker with the following information (the Required Assignment Information): (a) the identity of the Client, and if applicable the nature of its business; (b) the date the Assignment is to commence and the duration or likely duration of the Assignment; (c) the position which the Client seeks to fill, including the type of work the Temporary Worker in that position would be required to do, the location at which, and the hours during which, the Temporary Worker would be required to work; (d) the Rate of Pay and any expenses payable by or to the Temporary Worker; (e) any risks to health and safety known to the Client in relation to the Assignment and the steps the Client has taken to prevent or control such risks; and (f) the experience, training, qualifications and any authorisation which the Client considers are necessary or which are required by law or a professional body for the Temporary Worker to possess in order to work in the Assignment.
3.4 Where the Required Assignment Information is not given in paper form or by electronic means by the time of the offer of Assignment, the Employment Business shall confirm it in writing or electronically as soon as possible and in any event no later than the end of the third Business Day following the day on which the Assignment was offered to the Temporary Worker.
3.5 Unless the Temporary Worker requests otherwise, clause 3.3 will not apply where the Temporary Worker is being Introduced or supplied to the Client to work in the same position as one in which the Temporary Worker has previously been supplied within the previous five Business Days and the Required Assignment Information (with the exception of the date or likely duration of the Assignment) is the same as that already given to the Temporary Worker.
3.6 Subject to clause 3.4 and clause3.7, where the Assignment is intended to last for five consecutive Business Days or less and the Required Assignment Information has previously been given to the Temporary Worker and remains unchanged, the Employment Business shall provide written confirmation of the identity of the Client and the likely duration of the Assignment.
3.7 Where the provisions of clause 3.6 have been met but the Assignment extends beyond the intended five consecutive Business Day period, the Employment Business shall provide the remaining Required Assignment Information to the Temporary Worker in paper or electronic form within eight Business Days of the start of the Assignment or by the end of the Assignment, if sooner.
4.1 The Temporary Worker acknowledges that the Employment Business will be entitled to charge the Client the Introduction Fee (in accordance with regulation 10 of the Conduct Regulations 2003) where: (a) the Client Engages the Temporary Worker before or during and Assignment or within the Relevant Period; or (b) the Client introduces the Temporary Worker to a third party (other than another employment business) who subsequently Engages the Temporary Worker before an Assignment or within the Relevant Period.
4.2 The Introduction Fee will not be payable in the circumstances described in clause 4.1(a) if the Client agrees to extend the period of the Assignment for a specified period at the end of which the Temporary Worker may be Engaged by the Client without further charge.
5.1 The Temporary Worker is not obliged to accept any Assignment offered by the Employment Business. If the Temporary Worker does accept an Assignment, the Temporary Worker shall: (a) co-operate with the Client's reasonable instructions and accept the direction, supervision and control of any responsible person in the Client's organisation; (b) co-operate with any checks conducted by the Client or the Employment Business including but not limited to drugs and alcohol tests (the failure of which will result in the termination of any engagement without further remuneration); (c) observe any relevant rules and regulations of the Client's organisation (including normal hours of work) of which the Temporary Worker has been informed or of which the Temporary Worker should be reasonably aware; (d) co-operate with the Employment Business in the completion and renewal of all mandatory checks; (e) take all reasonable steps to safeguard their own health and safety and that of any other person who may be present or be affected by their actions on the Assignment and comply with the health and safety policies of the Client; (f) not engage in any conduct detrimental to the interests of the Employment Business or the Client; (g) comply with all relevant statutes, laws, regulations and codes of practice from time to time in force in the performance of the Assignment and applicable to the Client's business (this includes the requirement to comply with drivers hours regulations/rules); (h) only do so if they are competent to complete it and must not conduct driving duties in any vehicle they deem to be unroadworthy; (i) inform the Employment Business of any driving hours conducted in any other employment or for any other employment businesses or their clients; (j) an Assignment will be terminated with immediate effect if an alcohol or drugs test is failed and the Temporary Worker will be charged for the cost of the test (from time to time in force); (k) Indemnify the Employment Business for the cost of any equipment provided to the Temporary Worker at the commencement of an Assignment and not returned. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that the Employment Business can deduct such sums from any monies owed to the Temporary Worker
5.2 If the Temporary Worker accepts any Assignment offered by the Employment Business, as soon as possible before the commencement of each such Assignment and during each Assignment (as appropriate) and at any time at the Employment Business' request, the Temporary Worker undertakes to: (a) inform the Employment Business of any Calendar Weeks whether before the date of commencement of the relevant Assignment or during the relevant Assignment in which the Temporary Worker has worked in the same or a similar role with the Client via any third party; (b) provide the Employment Business with all the details of such work, including (without limitation) details of when, where and the period(s) during which such work was undertaken, the role performed and any other details requested by the Employment Business; and (c) inform the Employment Business if before the date of the commencement of the relevant Assignment the Temporary Worker has: (i) completed two or more assignments with the Client; (ii) completed at least one assignment with the Client and one or more assignments with a member of the Client's Group; or (iii) worked in more than two roles during an assignment with the Client and on at least two occasions has worked in a role that was not the same role as the previous role.
5.3 If the Temporary Worker is unable for any reason to attend work during the course of an Assignment, they should first inform the Employment Business as soon as possible but at least 90 minutes before their normal start time to enable, where practicable, alternative arrangements to be made. If this is not possible, the Temporary Worker should inform the Client and then the Employment Business as soon as possible.
5.4 If, either before or during the course of an Assignment, the Temporary Worker becomes aware of any reason why they may not be suitable for an Assignment, they shall notify the Employment Business without delay.
5.5 The Temporary Worker is to inform the Employment Business of any work they conduct for anybody else which will impact upon Drivers Hours calculations and provide a detailed breakdown of that work.
6.1 Subject to the Temporary Worker submitting properly authorised time sheets in accordance with clause 7, the Employment Business shall pay the Rate of Pay to the Temporary Worker. The Rate of Pay will be at least national minimum wage, for more information please refer to https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates. The Rate of Pay for the Assignment will be confirmed to the Temporary Worker before the start of the Assignment and confirmed in writing within 3 working days from when the information was given verbally. The Employment businesses working week is Sunday to Saturday. All rates of pay include rolled up holiday pay excluding tax free payments such as nights out and meal allowances to which holiday pay does not apply.
6.2 Payments to the Temporary Worker will be made by BACS. Applicable income tax and national insurance deductions will be made at source.
6.3 Subject to any applicable statutory entitlement and to clause 8 and clause 9, the Temporary Worker is not entitled to receive payment from the Employment Business or the Client for time not spent working on the Assignment, whether in respect of holidays, illness or absence for any other reason, unless otherwise agreed.
7.1 At the end of each week of an Assignment (or at the end of an Assignment if it is for a period of one week or less or is completed before the end of a week) the Temporary Worker shall complete and lodge (by 5pm on Sunday) with the Employment Business a time sheet indicating the number of hours worked during the preceding week (or such lesser period). The timesheet will then be made available to the Client for approval. If approval is received by 5pm Tuesday that week the Employment business will endeavour to pay the remuneration by Friday that week. Any timesheets submitted after the 5pm Tuesday deadline will be processed the following week.
7.2 Subject to clause 7.3, the Employment Business shall pay the Temporary Worker for all hours worked on an Assignment regardless of whether the Employment Business has received payment from the Client for those hours.
7.3 Where the Temporary Worker fails to submit a timesheet or it is not authorised by the Client, any payment due to the Temporary Worker may be delayed while the Employment Business investigates (in a timely fashion) what hours, if any, were worked by the Temporary Worker.
7.4 The Employment Business shall make no payment to the Temporary Worker for hours not worked or authorised by the Client.
7.5 For the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of the WTR 1998, the Temporary Worker's working time shall only consist of those periods during which they are carrying out activities or duties for the Client as part of the Assignment. Time spent travelling to the Client's premises (with the exception of time spent travelling between two or more premises of the Client), lunch breaks and other rest breaks shall not count as part of the Temporary Worker's working time for these purposes.
7.6 Where the Client disputes the timesheet the Temporary Worker has submitted, the Employment Business will liaise between the Temporary Worker and the Client and endeavour to establish agreement.
7.7 The Temporary Worker acknowledges and accepts that it could be a criminal offence to falsify any time sheet.
8.1 Subject to clause 8.5, the Temporary Worker will accrue the equivalent of 5.6 weeks' paid annual leave during each holiday year (inclusive of all bank holiday entitlements), calculated in accordance with the proportion of hours the Temporary Worker has worked on Assignment during the holiday year. Holiday pay is calculated on a rolling annual basis.
8.2 To ensure consistent and accurate payment for accrued annual leave (and in accordance with the requests of existing Temporary Workers and market expectations) the Temporary Worker will receive payment in advance for accrued annual leave at the time the work is paid and the annual leave accrued. Annual leave payments are calculated on the basis of 12.07% of the applicable Rate of Pay.
8.3 Temporary Workers will be informed of the advanced holiday pay in their payslips.
8.4 Temporary Workers will be given time to take the annual leave they have been paid for either by being allotted time to do so or between assignments and will be requested to confirm that it has been taken.
8.5 All entitlement to annual leave must be taken during the course of the holiday year in which it accrues and no untaken holiday can be carried forward to the next holiday year.
8.6 We request the Temporary Worker give at least two weeks' notice of any proposed holiday dates where ever possible. The Employment Business may request the Temporary Worker to take holiday on specific days, as notified to the Temporary Worker from time to time.
8.7 Where a bank holiday or other public holiday falls during an Assignment and the Temporary Worker ordinarily would work on that day, then subject to the Temporary Worker having accrued entitlement for payment for leave, that day shall count as part of the Temporary Worker's paid annual leave entitlement.
8.8 At the end of the Assignment the Temporary Worker shall be entitled to be paid in lieu of accrued but not yet paid holiday for the holiday year in which termination takes place.
8.9 If the Temporary Worker has been paid or taken more holiday than their accrued entitlement at the end of the Assignment, the Employment Business shall be entitled to deduct the appropriate amount from any payments due to the Temporary Worker.
9.1 If the Temporary Worker is absent from work for any reason, they must notify the Employment Business on 01270824160 (or any alternative number identified should this number change) of the reason for their absence as soon as possible but no later than 90 minutes before their schedule start time on the first day of absence.
9.2 If the Temporary Worker satisfies the qualifying conditions laid down in statute, they may be entitled to receive Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) at the prevailing rate in respect of any period of sickness or injury during the Assignment. The Temporary Worker will not be entitled to any other payments during such period.
9.3 In all cases of absence, a self-certification form, which is available from SARL, must be completed on the Temporary Worker's return to work and supplied to the Employment Business’ management team. For any period of incapacity due to sickness or injury which lasts for seven consecutive days or more, a doctor's certificate (a "statement of fitness for work") stating the reason for absence must be obtained and supplied to the Employment Business. Further certificates must be obtained if the absence continues for longer than the period specified in the certificate.
10.1 The Employment Business, the Client or the Temporary Worker may terminate an Assignment at any time without prior notice or liability.
10.2 The Temporary Worker acknowledges that the continuation of an Assignment is subject to and dependent on the continuation of the agreement entered into between the Employment Business and the Client. If that agreement is terminated for any reason, the Assignment shall cease with immediate effect without liability to the Temporary Worker, except for payment for work done up to the date of termination of the Assignment.
10.3 Unless exceptional circumstances apply, the Temporary Worker's failure to inform the Client or the Employment Business of their inability to attend work as required by clause 5.3 will be treated as termination of the Assignment by the Temporary Worker.
10.4 If the Temporary Worker is absent during the course of an Assignment and the Assignment has not otherwise been terminated, the Employment Business will be entitled to terminate the Assignment in accordance with clause 10.1 if the work to which the Temporary Worker was assigned is no longer available.
11.1 In order to protect the confidentiality and trade secrets of the Employment Business and the Client, the Temporary Worker agrees not at any time: (a) whether during or after an Assignment, to disclose to any person or to make use of any of the trade secrets or the Confidential Information of the Client or the Employment Business; or (b) to make any copy, abstract or summary of the whole or any part of any document or other material belonging to the Client or the Employment Business except when required to do so in the course of the Temporary Worker's duties under an Assignment, in which circumstances such copy abstract or summary would belong to the Client or the Employment Business, as appropriate.
11.2 The restriction in clause 11.1 does not apply to: (a) any use or disclosure authorised by the Client or the Employment Business or as required by law a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority; (b) any information which is already in, or comes into, the public domain otherwise than through the Temporary Worker's unauthorised disclosure; or (c) the making of a protected disclosure within the meaning of section 43A of the Employment Rights Act 1996.
11.3 At the end of each Assignment or on request the Temporary Worker agrees to deliver up to the Client or the Employment Business (as directed) all documents (including copies), ID cards, swipe cards, equipment, passwords, pass codes and other materials belonging to the Client which are in its possession, including any data produced, maintained or stored on the Client's computer systems or other electronic equipment.
12.1 The Temporary Worker consents to the Employment Business and the Client and any other intermediary involved in supplying the services of the Temporary Worker to the Client holding and processing data relating to them for legal, personnel, administrative and management purposes and in particular to the processing of any "sensitive personal data" as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998 relating to them including, as appropriate: (a) information about their physical or mental health or condition to monitor sick leave and take decisions as to their fitness for work; (b) their racial or ethnic origin or religious or similar beliefs to monitor compliance with equal opportunities legislation; (c) information relating to any criminal proceedings in which they have been involved for insurance and regulatory purposes and to comply with legal requirements and obligations to third parties.
12.2 The Temporary Worker consents to the Employment Business and the Client or any intermediary involved in supplying the Temporary Worker's services to the Client, making such information available to the Client or those who provide products or services to the Employment Business (such as advisers), regulatory authorities, governmental or quasi-governmental organisations and potential purchasers of the Employment Business or other Group companies or any part of its business.
13.1 The Temporary Worker warrants that: (a) the information supplied to the Employment Business in any application documents is correct; (b) the Temporary Worker has the experience, training, qualifications and any authorisation which the Client considers are necessary or which are required by law or by any professional body for the Temporary Worker to possess in order to perform the Assignment; (c) the Temporary Worker is not prevented by any other agreement, arrangement, restriction (including, without limitation, a restriction in favour of any other employment agency, employment business or client) or any other reason, from fulfilling the Temporary Worker's obligations under this agreement or any Assignment; and (d) the Temporary Worker has valid and subsisting leave to enter and remain in the United Kingdom for the duration of this agreement and is not (in relation to such leave) subject to any conditions which may preclude or have an adverse effect on the Assignment.
13.2 The Temporary Worker shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Employment Business and the Client against all demands (including legal and other professional fees and expenses) which the Employment Business or the Client may suffer, sustain, incur, pay or be put to arising from or in connection with: (a) any failure by the Temporary Worker to comply with its obligations under this agreement; (b) any negligent or fraudulent act or omission by the Temporary Worker; (c) the disclosure by the Temporary Worker of any Confidential Information; (d) any employment-related claim brought by the Temporary Worker in connection with the Assignment; or (e) the infringement by the Temporary Worker of the Client's or any Group company's Intellectual Property Rights.
14.1 Nothing in this agreement is intended to, or shall be deemed to, establish any partnership or joint venture between any of the parties, constitute any party as the agent of another party, or authorise any party to make or enter into any commitments for or on behalf of any other party.
14.2 Each party confirms it is acting on its own behalf and not for the benefit of any other person.
15.1 The Temporary Worker accepts that they must hold a valid, applicable driving licence for any driving Assignment they conduct and that it must be valid for the vehicle they will be driving.
15.2 The Temporary Worker must inform the Employment Business of any of the following in connection with their driving licence(s): (a) An endorsement; (b) Disqualification; (c) Revocation due to illness, disease or disability; (d) Any Court Order preventing driving; (e) Surrender of licence.
16.1 The Temporary Worker accepts that the Workforce Agreement in place at the commencement of this Agreement, between the Employment Business and its temporary worker drivers group, applies to them (as the Temporary Worker will fall within that group) in relation to extending the reference period for calculating their working time, under regulation 4, to 26 weeks and extending the 10 hour night work limit, under regulation 9, for objective, technical or organisational reasons.
17.1 The Temporary Worker agrees to indefinitely opt out of the 48 hour maximum working week under the Working Time Regulations 1998.
17.2 If the Temporary Worker wishes to withdraw the agreement at clause
17.1, they must provide the Employment Business with 3 months notice.
18.1 This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.
18.2 Each party acknowledges that in entering into this agreement it does not rely on any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in this agreement.
18.3 No variation of this agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by each of the parties (or their authorised representatives).
18.4 Nothing in this clause shall limit or exclude any liability for fraud.
No one other than a party to this agreement shall have any right to enforce any of its terms.
20.1 Any notice given to a party under or in connection with this agreement shall be in writing and shall be: (a) delivered by hand or by pre-paid first-class post or other next working day delivery service at its registered office (if a company) or its principal place of business (in any other case); (b) sent by fax to its main fax number; or (c) sent by email to its main email address.
20.2 Any notice shall be deemed to have been received: (a) if delivered by hand, on signature of a delivery receipt; (b) if sent by pre-paid first-class post or other next working day delivery service, at 9.00 am on the second Business Day after posting or at the time recorded by the delivery service; (c) if sent by fax, at 9.00 am on the next Business Day after transmission; or (d) if sent by email, at the time it is read. 20.3 This clause does not apply to the service of any proceedings or other documents in any legal action or, where applicable, any arbitration or other method of dispute resolution.
21.1 If any provision or part-provision of this agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this agreement.
21.2 If any provision or part-provision of this agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to amend such provision so that, as amended, it is legal, valid and enforceable, and, to the greatest extent possible, achieves the intended commercial result of the original provision.
This agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).
PAYE Contractors
Key Information Document
This document sets out key information about your relationship with us, including details about pay, holiday entitlement and other benefits. The Employment Agency Standards (EAS) Inspectorate is the government authority responsible for the enforcement of certain agency worker rights. You can raise a concern with them directly on 020 7215 5000 or through the Acas helpline on 0300 123 1100, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
Name of employment business: Silver Arrow Recruitment Limited
Type of contract you will be engaged under: Temporary
Who will be responsible for paying you (if different from your employer): Silver Arrow Recruitment Limited
How often you will be paid: Weekly
Expected or minimum rate of pay: £10.42
Deductions from your pay required by law: PAYE Tax, Employee’s National Insurance, Pension Contributions (unless opted out), Student Loan Repayments (where applicable), Attachment of Earnings Orders (where applicable)
Any other deductions or costs from your pay (to include amounts or how they are calculated): None
Any fees for goods or services: None
Holiday entitlement and pay: The Temporary Worker will receive payment for accrued annual leave at the time the work is paid and the annual leave accrued. Annual leave payments are calculated on the basis of 12.07% of the applicable Rate of Pay.
Additional benefits: None
Example rate of pay:
Days 40 hours @£11.00 = £440.00
Holiday Pay 40 hours @£1.33 = £53.20
Total Gross Pay £493.20
Deductions from your wage required by law:
PAYE Tax £50.29
National Insurance £30.18
Pension Contributions £11.20 (optional)
Any other deductions or costs from your wage: None
Any fees for goods or services: None
Example net take home pay: £403.77
Please note that the rates of pay on your payslip will be the amount inclusive of holiday pay, the amounts will not be shown separately.