Your details are already registered with this agency, you will need to contact the agency direct to re-register your details.

I hereby provide my consent for Totally Recruitment Limited to possess and process information about me. I allow Totally Recruitment Limited to hold the below information and sensitive personal data about me

• Names (First & Last)

• Date of Birth

• Contact details including, telephone numbers, email and postal address.

• National Insurance Number

• Bank Details

• Tax code information

• Passport or Birth Certificate (Proof of ID)

• Driving Licence (Digi & CPC card if applicable)

• Proof of Address

• Health/Criminal conviction information

I provide Totally Recruitment Limited with my consent to process my personal data information for the following purposes… For Totally Recruitment Limited to process my data on a computerised database/system in order to provide me with payroll and employment services. For Totally Recruitment Limited to process/transfer my data personal data with their third-party companies in order to provide me with payroll and employment services I understand that I can request to have access to my data at any point, that I can request to update, and I can request to withdraw my consent for Totally Recruitment Limited to process my data. However, Totally Recruitment Limited may continue to process my personal data where they have a legal obligation to do so Totally Recruitment Limited will possess and process personal data information for a period of 12 months. Should the candidate not be offered work or have had any communication after the 12-month period of registration all personal data information will be deleted from Totally Recruitment Limited’s system

1. Date
2. Print Name
3. Sign

1. Temporary Worker Full Name

1.1 In these Terms of Engagement ("Terms") the following definitions apply:

“the EB” means Totally Recruitment Limited of 62 Granby Avenue, Garretts Green, Birmingham, West Midlands B33 0SJ 

"Assignment" means the period during which the TW is engaged by the EB to render services to the Client;

“Client” means the person, firm or corporate body requiring the services of the TW together with any subsidiary or associated company as defined by the Companies Act 2006;

"Relevant Period" means the longer period of either 14 weeks from the first day* on which the TW worked for the Client, or 8 weeks from the date the TW last worked for the Client (* the first day is the first day of the first occasion of supply or the first day of any subsequent Assignment if more than 42 days since the end of the previous Assignment);

“the AWR” means the Agency Workers’ Regulations 2010.

1.2 Unless the context otherwise requires, references to the singular include the plural and vice versa.

1.3 The headings in these Terms are for convenience only and do not affect their interpretation.


2.1 These Terms constitute a contract for services between the EB and the TW and govern all the TW’s Assignments. No contract shall exist between the EB and the TW either between Assignments, or if the TW is absent from an Assignment for any reason except authorised absence.

2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms shall not give rise to a contract of employment between the EB and the TW. The EB is required to make statutory deductions from the TW’s remuneration in accordance with Clause 7.

2.3 No variation or alteration of these Terms shall be valid unless details of such variation are agreed between the EB and the TW and set out in writing and a copy of the varied terms are given to the TW stating the date on or after which such varied terms shall apply.

2.4 The TW agrees to notify the EB in writing of his work history for the 4 WEEK period prior to the commencement of any Assignment for services and hereby warrants the accuracy of any such information provided.


3.1 The EB will endeavor to obtain suitable Assignments for the TW to work in as highlighted within the tick boxes within the application form. The TW is not obliged to accept any Assignment the EB offers.

3.2 The TW acknowledges the nature of temporary EB work means there may be periods when no suitable work is available and agrees that:

3.2.1 Suitability shall be determined solely by the EB; and 3.2.2 the EB shall incur no liability should it fail to offer the TW opportunities to work in the category applied for or in any other category.

3.3 For the purpose of calculating the average number of weekly hours worked by the TW on an Assignment, the start date for the relevant averaging period under the Working Time Regulations 1998 is Monday of the week in which the TW commences their first Assignment.

3.4 If, either before or during an Assignment, the TW becomes aware of any reason why he may not be suitable for the Assignment the TW shall notify the EB without delay.

3.5 When an Assignment is offered to the TW and subject to the TW’s acceptance, the EB shall inform the TW of the identity of the Client and, if applicable, the nature of their business; the date work is to commence and duration or likely duration of the work; the type of work, the location and hours during which the TW would be required to work; the rate of remuneration that will be paid and any expenses payable by or to the TW; any risks to health and safety known to the Client and steps that the Client has taken to prevent or control such risks; and any and all entitlements which the TW has or may have pursuant to Regulations 5, 6, 12 and 13 of the AWR. In addition, the EB shall inform the TW what experience, training, qualifications and any authorisation required by law or a professional body the Client considers necessary, or which are required by law to work in the Assignment.

3.6 Where such information is not given in paper form or by electronic means it shall be confirmed by such means by the end of the third business day (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Public or Bank Holidays) following, save where the TW is being offered an Assignment in the same position as one in which the TW has been supplied in the previous 5 business days and such information has already been given to the TW. Any variation of the Assignment terms shall be agreed in advance with the TW and similarly confirmed.

3.7 If, before the first Assignment, during the course of an Assignment or within the Relevant Period, the Client wishes to employ or engage the TW directly or through another employment business, the TW acknowledges that the EB will be entitled either to charge the Client a fee or to agree an extension of the hiring period with the Client, at the end of which the TW may be employed or engaged directly by the Client or through another employment business without further charge to the Client. In addition, the EB will be entitled to charge a fee to the Client if they introduce the TW to a third party who subsequently engages the TW within the Relevant Period.


If the TW is unable for any reason to attend work during an Assignment, the TW should inform the EB as soon as possible to enable alternative arrangements to be made.


5.1 The EB or the Client may terminate the TW’s Assignment at any time without prior notice or liability.

5.2 The TW may terminate an Assignment at any time without prior notice or liability.

5.3 If the TW does not inform the Client or the EB in accordance with clause 6.2 should they be unable to attend work during the course of an Assignment this will be treated as termination of the Assignment by the TW in accordance with clause 5.2 unless the TW can show that exceptional circumstances prevented the TW from complying with clause 6.2.

5.4 If the TW is absent during the course of an Assignment and the contract has not been otherwise terminated under clauses 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 above, the EB will be entitled to terminate the contract in accordance with clause 5.1 if the work to which the absent TW was assigned is no longer available for the TW.

5.5 If the TW does not report to the EB to notify the TW’s availability for work for a period of four weeks, the EB will forward the TW’s P45 to the TW’s last known address.


6.1 The TW is not obliged to accept any Assignment offered by the EB but if the TW does so, during every Assignment and afterwards, as appropriate, the TW will:

6.1.1 co-operate with the Client's reasonable instructions and accept the direction, supervision and control of any responsible person in the Client's organisation;

6.1.2 be present during the times or total number of hours during each day and/or week of an Assignment as may be agreed with the EB or the Client;

6.1.3 observe any relevant rules and regulations of the Client's establishment (including hours of work as notified) to which the TW’s attention has been drawn or which the TW might reasonably be expected to ascertain;

6.1.4 take all reasonable steps to safeguard the TW’s own safety and the safety of any other person who may be present or affected by the TW’s actions on the Assignment and comply with the health and safety policies and procedures of the Client;

6.1.5 not engage in any conduct detrimental to the interests of the Client or the EB which includes any conduct tending to bring the Client or EB into disrepute or which results in loss of custom or business;

6.1.6 not at any time divulge to any person, nor use for the TW’s own or any other person's benefit, any confidential information relating to employees, business affairs, transactions or finances of Clients or the EB; and

6.1.7 use the telephone, fax or computer systems belonging to the Client in a reasonable manner and not for personal gain or benefit.

6.2 If the TW is unable for any reason to attend work during the course of an Assignment they should inform the Client and the EB within one hour of the commencement of the Assignment or shift.


Subject to any rights or entitlements pursuant to the AWR, the EB shall pay the TW remuneration calculated at the National Minimum Wage/ National Living Wage hourly rate or at any higher rate the EB reasonably expects to achieve for all hours worked. The actual rate will be notified on a per Assignment basis, for each hour worked during an Assignment (to the nearest quarter of an hour) to be paid weekly, one week in arrears, subject to deductions in respect of PAYE pursuant to Sections 44-47 of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 and Class I National Insurance Contributions and any other deductions which the EB may be required by law to make. Subject to any statutory entitlement under the relevant legislation, the TW is not entitled to receive payment from the EB or its Clients for time not spent on an Assignment, whether in respect of holidays (except see clause 9), illness or absence or any other reason unless otherwise agreed in writing between the EB and the TW. If for any reason the TW is paid in advance for an Assignment but the TW does not undertake or complete the hours for which the TW has been paid in advance, the EB reserves the right to deduct any over-payment from future remuneration (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any payment due in lieu of untaken accrued paid leave) and the TW agrees that the TW will be personally liable to repay any balance due to the EB immediately upon demand.


At the end of each week of an Assignment (or at the end of an Assignment where it is for a period of one week or less or is completed before the end of a week) the TW shall deliver to the EB the TW’s completed time sheet to indicate the number of hours the TW has worked during the preceding week (or such lesser period) and signed by an authorised representative of the Client. The EB shall pay the TW for all hours worked regardless of whether the EB has received payment from the Client for those hours. Where the TW fails to submit a properly authenticated time sheet the EB shall, in a timely fashion, conduct further investigations into the hours claimed by the TW and reasons the Client has refused to sign a time sheet for those hours. This may delay any payment due to the TW. The EB shall not make any payment to the TW for hours not worked. For the avoidance of doubt and the purposes of the Working Time Regulations 1998, the TW’s working time (which will normally also be hours worked for which the TW will be paid) shall only consist of those periods during which the TW is carrying out activities or duties for the Client as part of the Assignment. Subject to the AWR time spent travelling to the Client's premises, lunch breaks and other rest breaks shall not count as working time.


9.1 The provisions of this clause 9 are subject to the AWR.

9.2 Under the Working Time Regulations the TW is entitled to a statutory period of paid leave of 5.6 weeks per year. For calculating the entitlement to leave under this clause, the leave year commences on the date the TW starts an Assignment or a series of Assignments. All of the entitlement to leave must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues unless prevented by a period of other leave, eg: Sickness, Maternity, Paternity or Adoption. The entitlement accrues pro rata to the amount of time the TW is engaged during the leave year. For the purposes of taking leave fractions of days may be rounded up in half days but payment will be based on the fraction due.

9.3 The amount of payment to which the TW is entitled in respect of paid leave is calculated in accordance with statutory provisions and recent relevant case law.

9.4 At the end of each month or when the TW wishes to take some or all of the paid leave to which the TW is entitled, the TW should notify the EB in writing or by email in advance of the dates of the TW’s intended absence. The amount of notice should be at least twice the length of the period of leave that the TW wishes to take. In certain circumstances the EB may give counter-notice to the TW to postpone or reduce the amount of leave that the TW wishes to take and, in such circumstances, the EB will inform the TW in writing giving at least the same length of notice as the period of leave that has been requested. Public or Bank Holidays not worked will not be paid unless the TW notifies the EB that he wishes to take them as part of the TW’s statutory annual entitlement.

9.5 Where this contract is terminated by either party and a P45 issued, the TW is entitled to a payment in lieu of any untaken accrued paid leave.

9.6 For the avoidance of doubt, none of the provisions of this clause shall affect the TW’s status as a self-employed worker engaged on a contract for services.


10.1 The EB will collect and process information relating to the TW in accordance with the privacy notice which is annexed to these Terms. The TW acknowledges having been supplied with a copy of the Company’s data protection policy of which is contained in the application form and available from our website and they have been given sufficient opportunity to read and understand the information it contains.

10.2 EB will only process the TW’s personal data lawfully and in accordance with EB’s data protection policy and/or in line with EB’s privacy notice.

10.3 The EB agrees that it will not disclose any confidential information about the TW without his/her prior consent unless it is:

10.3.1 to provide work finding services for the TW in accordance with the terms of this agreement;

10.3.2 for the purposes of any legal proceedings (including arbitration);

10.4 Nothing in clause 10.3 shall preclude the EB from disclosing information about the TW where it is entitled to do so by law.


The EB will comply with any employer pension duties that apply to it in respect of the TW in accordance with Part 1 of the Pensions Act 2008.

12. LAW

These Terms are governed by the laws of England & Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England & Wales. 

2. Temporary Worker Signature
3. Date

1. Full Name


“Assignment” means the period during which the Worker is engaging to render services to the Client;

“Client” means the person, firm or corporate body engaging the services of the Worker;

“Employment Business” means Totally Recruitment Limited of 62 Granby Avenue, Garretts Green, Birmingham, B33 0SJ;

“Temporary Worker” means the Individual who is introduced by Totally Recruitment Limited to render services to the Client.

“Working Week” means an average of 48 hours each week calculated over a 17 week – week reference period.

1.2 References to the singular include the plural and references to the masculine include the feminine and vice versa.

1.3 The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and do not affect their interpretation.


2.1 The Working Time Regulations 1998 provide that the Temporary Worker shall not work on an Assignment with the Client in excess of the Working Week unless s/he agrees in writing that this limit should not apply.


3.1 The Temporary Worker hereby agrees that the Working Week limit shall not apply to the assignment


4.1 The Temporary Worker may end this Agreement by giving the Employment Business 3 months notice in writing.

4.2 For the avoidance of doubt, any notice bringing this Agreement to an end shall not be construed as termination by the Temporary Worker of an Assignment with the Client.

4.3 Upon the expiry of the notice period set out in clause 4.1 the Working Week limit shall apply with immediate effect.


5.1 These Terms are governed by the Law of England & Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of England & Wales. 

2. Date
3. Print Name
4. Sign

The following questions on health and disability are asked in order to find out your needs in terms of reasonable adjustments to access our recruitment service and to find out your needs in order to perform the job or position sought. 
1. Do you have any health issues or disabilities relevant which may make it difficult for you to carry out functions which are essential for the role you seek? 
2. If you have a disability, what are your needs in terms of adjustments in order to access this recruitment service and to attend interview, or to take aptitude tests etc.?  Please specify
3. Sign
4. Date

1. Do you have any unspent criminal convictions? 
2. If yes, please list your criminal convictions and the dates of conviction below. Certain types of employment and certain professions are exempt from the Rehabilitation Of Offenders Act 1974 and in these cases (particularly where the employment is sought in relation to positions involving working with children or vulnerable adults).  
The information given will be treated in confidence and only taken into account where, in the reasonable opinion of Totally Recruitment Ltd, the offence is relevant to the post for which you are applying. Failure to declare a conviction may require us to exclude you from our register or terminate an assignment.  
3. Sign
4. Date

In order to comply with data protection laws, we need your consent when obtaining employment references about you. Please indicate below whether or not you give such consent to our contacting the referees you have indicated in your application form.

We would like to obtain references so that we may gather information from those who have previously employed you on your performance. We will use the information when making decisions about your suitability for the role you have applied for.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting 

1. Full Name
2. D.O.B
3. N.I Number
4. I give my consent to references being sought in conjunction with my application for employment. 
5. I do not give my consent to references being sought in conjunction with my application for employment. 
6. Date


Welcome and thank you for the opportunity of assisting with your search for future employment. You may be seeking work for the first time, a complete lifestyle change, temporary work, or an employed position. Whatever the circumstances we should explain how we can assist. We operate as an employment business for the supply of temporary workers where we engage you to supply your services to a client who will supervise and control your work, and as an employment agency where we introduce you to a client who will employ you direct. We do not charge you for finding or securing you work. This brochure provides a step-by-step guide and we urge you to read it carefully. In addition to observing laws against discrimination, we aim to positively promote equal opportunities. As a worker in any capacity, you have the benefit and protection of various legislation. We are Members of TEAM and you can find more information on their website here.

When you register with us, whether seeking permanent or temporary work, you will be required to provide us with certain personal data. Some information will be necessary in seeking to match your skills and abilities to an appropriate job opportunity and other information is required by legislation and regulation. Please see our Privacy Policy on our website for further information on how we collect, use and process your personal data.

Our website details our services and a selection of current vacancies – We are here to help – any queries please do not hesitate to ask.


Upon registration and before any contractual terms are discussed and agreed you will be provided with a Key Information Document (KID). This document provides specified information on pay related facts and assignment information. It will also show an example of how any deductions or charges may affect your pay.

Before you commence an assignment or accept employment you will be given information about the proposed position including: 

• The identity of our client

• Start Date

• Location

• Job Title

• Work Breaks

• Workdays and times

• Duration of contract

• Notice periods

• Sick leave and pay

• All remuneration and pay intervals

• Experience, training and qualifications required

• Any known risks to health and safety and steps client has taken to prevent or control such risks 

In the case of permanent recruitment, the minimum salary and length of notice will also be confirmed to you.


Clients provide us with details of vacancies and from our database of job seekers we select the most appropriate to match client's requirements. Here is how the process affects you:

• You will be asked to complete an application form and provide a CV. Ensure your CV is concise, up to date with most recent experience listed first.

• We will require documentary evidence of your identity and confirmation you are entitled to work in the UK.

• You will be interviewed by a consultant; this provides more information so we can advise on job opportunities. You may be asked to undertake assessments to assist in identifying your skills. Using information gained we will seek to arrange interviews.

Being interviewed by an employer is a very important step. Prepare yourself by thinking about questions you want to ask and may be asked. Following interviews, we will discuss with you any relevant feedback. Some clients may require further interviews and/or tests. In due course our client will decide on whether to make you an offer of employment.

If you are already in employment, we strongly advise you to wait for our client to confirm details of their offer in writing before you resign.

If within 3 months of your engagement we receive or otherwise obtain information, which gives us reasonable grounds to believe you may be unsuitable for the position you have filled, we are required to inform our client.


Clients daily provide us with many and varied temporary work opportunities.

Temporary work can combine reward, variety and flexibility and an opportunity to gain a wide range of skills and practical experience. It can also lead to direct employment as often clients offer temporary workers positions during or following temporary assignments. Here is what will happen:

• You will be provided with a Key Information Document/s which will provide specified information about pay related facts and assignment information.

• You will be asked to complete an application form and provide a CV if you have one.

• We will require documentary evidence of your identity and entitlement to work in UK.

• You will be interviewed by a consultant; this provides more information so we can advise on work opportunities.

• Dependent upon the type of work you are seeking, you may be asked to undertake assessments to assist in identifying your skills and abilities.

• When an assignment is offered, we will give you written details of the assignment and we will inform you what skills, training, qualifications and any authorisation required by law or a professional body the client (and we) consider necessary for the assignment.

• As a temporary worker you may be engaged on a contract for services. For clarity in this instance, you are not employed by us or our client. Please read this contract carefully.

• On assignments please be punctual, polite, appropriately dressed, flexible and co-operative. Comply with all reasonable instructions from your consultant or our client.

• Improper conduct, possession or abuse of illegal substances such as drugs, theft, etc, will result in you being instructed to end assignment immediately, removed from our database and appropriate action taken.

• You should not undertake any work outside your capabilities without receiving appropriate training and supervision.

• Tell us if our client asks you to work different hours or functions than we originally confirmed to you.

• If for any reason you experience difficulties with an assignment or are going to be late or absent - tell us first.

• Assignments can vary in duration and client requirements can change. The more adaptable and available you are, the more assignments you will be offered.

• If during an assignment or after end of an assignment, a client wishes to engage you direct, we may be entitled either to charge the client an introduction fee or to agree an extension of the hiring period with the client.

• If within 3 months of a direct engagement we receive or otherwise obtain information, which gives us reasonable grounds to believe you are or may be unsuitable for the position you have filled, we must inform our client.

It is important you keep in touch with us whilst you are registered and seeking work. 


Before we offer you an assignment, we will need to obtain replies from independent referees. We will not approach any current employer without your consent. All references received are treated as confidential. For avoidance of doubt this includes disclosure under the Data Protection Act.

Time Sheets

Normally when you accept an assignment, you are provided with a time sheet which details where, when and to whom you must report for work. Record hours you work on time sheet and at end of each week (or end of booking if less than a week) ensure an authorised client representative sign your time sheet.

(Normally person to whom you report has appropriate authority). Ideally leave a copy of your signed timesheet with the client and provide the original to us to arrive by 10:00am the following Monday, to enable prompt payment of your wages.  

Agency Workers Regulations 2010

These Regulations came into effect on 01/10/11. Broadly they provide all agency workers on assignment the right to equal treatment after 12 weeks on assignment and all workers certain rights from Day 1 of the assignment. This may or may not alter your initially agreed remuneration and terms. In the event of your assignment exceeding 12 weeks, you will be provided with further information and terms relating to your assignment. We will have made enquiries of our client as to whether any additional terms would apply to your specific assignment by comparing it to specific comparable permanent employment terms with that client.

Whilst not exhaustive this will include reviewing basic working and employment conditions such as:

• Pay

• Working Time

• Overtime/Shift periods

• Holiday pay

• Access to facilities/amenities and employment opportunities. (These rights are available to all workers on commencement of the assignment.)

Without affecting your statutory rights, we reserve the right to assess and calculate any monetary difference between your terms before and after the 12-week period and any difference may be paid as remuneration e.g., any additional holiday entitlement over statutory minimum will be paid in lieu. You additionally have the right after 12 weeks to request from us/client a written statement within 28 days about any aspect of equal treatment you may be concerned about. Please ensure you inform your consultant if you have ever worked for this client before.


• Reporting and Recording - Agency workers absent from their assignment due to sickness or injury (or someone on their behalf if they are unable to) must report this to their Consultant by telephone before assignment commences.

• For any absence for sickness or injury workers will be required to provide a self-certificate (available via your Consultant) upon returning to work. If absence exceeds, or is likely to exceed, one week, workers must obtain from their doctor a medical statement expressing the doctor’s view of the worker’s fitness to work. Workers must send this statement or hand to their Consultant. If further certificates are required, these must be similarly submitted.

• Failure to comply with these arrangements may have the effect of disqualifying the worker from entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

• Sick Pay - During absence for illness (which includes injury or other disability) normally agency workers will be entitled to statutory sick pay for qualifying days in accordance with appropriate rate of SSP. No SSP is payable for the first 3 qualifying days of each period of sickness but thereafter SSP is payable for a maximum single period of incapacity to work for 28 weeks (subject to eligibility). If the SSP period exceeds 28 weeks, DSS will assume responsibility for payment of any sickness benefit due.     


Hourly Pay Rate

Your consultant will tell you hourly pay rate before each assignment. This will be confirmed in writing before assignment commences or at latest within 3 working days of commencement (unless you have worked on similar assignment within previous 5 working days and pay rate is the same).

National Minimum Wage (NMW)/National Living Wage (NLW) From 1 April 1999 workers must be paid at least National Minimum Wage (NMW) or if aged 25 or over, the NLW from 1/4/2016. Details of current rates available on ( ) or from your Consultant. For avoidance of doubt NMW is gross pay before any allowable deductions. In some cases, deductions from pay may reduce your hourly pay rate to less than NMW.

Allowable deductions are mainly:

• National Insurance and Income Tax

• Repayments of advances or loans or overpayments of previous pay

• Deductions not for our own benefit, e.g. transport, safety shoes, etc. if you have chosen to use these facilities.

Pay Day

Normally you will be paid weekly, one week in arrears. This means you will be paid for your first week's work on Friday of your second week. You will receive an itemised payslip each week. If Friday is a public holiday, you will be paid on previous/ next working day.

Pay Method

By BACS direct into your bank or building society account. If you do not have an account you may instruct us to pay into an account of another person, at your own risk.


Although you are not our employee, we are obliged to deduct National Insurance and Income Tax (through PAYE) as applicable.

Your Tax

You must give us P45 tax form you received from your last job. If no current P45 or any special tax status, ask us for a P46 to fill in otherwise basic rate tax will be deducted from all your pay. If you receive P45 from previous job while working for us, please give it to us even if you filled in a P46.

Your National Insurance number (NINO) is key to your tax record. If you do not know your NINO, ask local DSS office. If claiming benefit, tell DSS when you are working. If you stop working for us, your P45 will be sent as soon as possible to your last known address.      


We must have documentary evidence of your identity and your entitlement to work in UK. A passport will confirm your identity and normally entitlement to work in UK (unless Work Permit also required). If you do not have a passport or similar residency document, we will require two documents: Firstly, a document issued by a previous employer, Inland Revenue, Department for Work and Pensions or Employment Service showing your name and permanent NINO; this can be P45, P60, tax coding notification, printed payslips, NINO card or letter from a Government agency; and secondly, either: full birth certificate issued in UK, which includes name of at least one of your parents, or birth certificate issued in Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Ireland; or letter from Home Office confirming you are entitled to work in UK.


Working Time Regulations provide that most workers shall not work more than a Working Week of an average of 48 hours each week calculated over a 17-week reference period unless otherwise agreed in writing.

If you agree to opt out of limit, complete appropriate form. You may end opt out by giving us at least 14 days’ notice in writing to expire at end of a week, which ends at midnight Sunday unless there is an agreement to contrary. Any such notice shall not be construed as termination by you of an assignment with a client. Opt out does not apply to adolescents (16- and 17-year-olds) as they are restricted to working no more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.


Annual entitlement to paid leave is currently 28 days. All entitlement should be taken within leave year unless prevented by a period of other leave, eg: Sick, Maternity, Paternity or Adoption. • Entitlement accrues in proportion to time worked in leave year. • Paid leave is paid at your average hourly rate based on a reference period of 52 weeks or if less the number of weeks worked. • When you cease to work with us, you are due a payment in lieu of untaken entitlement. • When you take some or all your paid leave entitlement you should give us notice of at least twice the amount of intended leave e.g. (1 week's leave = 2 weeks’ notice and so on). • Public Holidays not worked will not be paid unless you notify us, they are to be part of your leave entitlement.


If you become pregnant whilst working for us (or matched for adoption) and want to know if SMP/SAP is payable, ask your Consultant for a form to calculate whether you qualify under SMP/SAP rules. If you qualify for SMP/SAP, you must give us a Maternity/Matching Certificate normally 28 days before you want to start receiving SMP/SAP. If you fail to qualify for SMP/SAP but have worked and paid NI for 26 weeks of 66 weeks before your baby due, normally you will qualify for maternity allowance.


If you expect to have responsibility for a child’s upbringing and are the biological father or the mother’s husband or partner, have been working through us for 26 weeks leading into 15th week before expected week of birth (or adoption) and want to know if you qualify for SPP, ask your Consultant for a form to calculate whether you may qualify under SPP rules. To be eligible you must be available to work through us up to actual date of birth (adoption) and entitlement cannot be established until then. 


Please remember to tell us if personal details change, in particular your bank account details or address.


Our policy is to ensure our clients and workers are aware of their responsibilities to achieve a safe working environment. Everyone must take care of their health and safety at work and young or inexperienced workers require special consideration. Under our terms of business, clients are asked to provide appropriate instructions and information regarding any risks known to them to which workers may be exposed and steps client taken to prevent or control such risks. Any information we obtain from our client relating to your health and safety on an assignment will be made available to you before the assignment starts. If you are to work at night (at least 3 hours between 11.00 pm and 6.00 am) you are entitled to apply (normally at least annually) for a free fitness assessment to be carried out to ensure you are fit to work at night.

Your Responsibilities

Please use common sense to assess any risks to your health and safety during your assignment and take all reasonable steps to safeguard your own health and safety and any other person who may be affected by your actions. Women must consider any special needs due to pregnancy or recently having given birth. If you are under 18 you must tell your supervisor. If asked to use unfamiliar equipment or lift heavy objects or do anything you are not sure about, please ask your supervisor for advice. You must comply with client's health and safety at work policy and observe rules and regulations to which your attention has been drawn or which you might reasonably be expected to ascertain. You must co-operate with client on health and safety matters, following instructions to ensure safe system of work and telling client about any dangers in the workplace which come to your notice. You must report to client any injury (including as result of physical violence) or accident relating to your work or workplace. You must wear any protective clothing and equipment (PPE) you have been told to wear to carry out assignment. Protective clothing may need to be worn by most manual workers and by workers in hazardous environments such as factories, kitchens, hospitals, clean rooms, construction sites, etc. When PPE must be worn it may be the responsibility of agency workers to supply their own suitable PPE and the responsibility of the client to ensure agency workers have suitable PPE to wear before work commences. If a doctor advises you have a work-related reportable disease, tell your supervisor and your consultant.

General Fire Safety

• Be aware of instructions in case of fire, fire drills, fire fighting equipment and fire exits at your workplace.

• Do not obstruct escape routes.

• Keep fire doors shut.

• Observe no smoking rules.

• Do not allow rubbish to accumulate.

VDU Users Normally problems related to display screen use can be overcome by good ergonomic design of equipment, furniture, working environment and tasks performed. If you are experiencing health problems you feel are associated with or aggravated by your workstation or work practices, report them promptly to manager/supervisor. Where use of display screen equipment is a significant part of normal work, users are recommended to have regular eye and eyesight tests. Cost of tests is the personal responsibility of the agency worker as is the supply of any special eyesight corrections (normally spectacles) if required. 


We will comply with any employer pension duties that apply to you in accordance with Part 1 of the Pensions Act 2008.

You will be automatically provided with paperwork to be auto enrolled in a statutory workplace pension scheme. Contributions are as follows:

Timescale - 6th April 2019 onwards

Employer - 3%

Employee (inc. Tax Relief) - 5% 

1. Date of registration
2. Signature