Your details are already registered with this agency, you will need to contact the agency direct to re-register your details.
For ON-DEMAND PEOPLE to offer work-finding and work-supporting services you must provide personal information about yourself to us. The personal information you provide in this registration form and subsequently will only be used for legally permitted purposes. In providing the services to you we will need to share your personal information with our client companies, insurers and other third parties necessary to providing the services. We will manage and process your personal information under your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and any subsequent UK legislation which replaces or is supplementary to the GDPR. ON-DEMAND PEOPLE will process your personal data to perform the contract we propose to enter into with you, upon completion of registration relating to work location and work support services, for undertaking work capability assessments, health and safety and worker-related legal compliance, in meeting legal obligations, for engaging with clients in respect of potential or actual work assignments and engagements which may be available and for our legitimate interests except where that might override your fundamental rights and freedoms. Further details of how we process and manage your Personal Data and your rights are set out in the ON-DEMAND PEOPLE Privacy Notice, which can be requested at: Whilst we will of course communicate with you about the ON-DEMAND PEOPLE work finding and work support services, we may also like to communicate with you about additional similar products and services we may offer in the future by email. If you do not wish to receive information from us about additional services in the future by email, please let us know. If we do communicate with you about other services, we will always provide an unsubscribe link and you can decide not to receive information from us about such additional services at any time, just use the unsubscribe link or contact us and let us know. We may also like to pass on your contact details for a single limited purpose, to a third-party market research company who we would like to be able to contact you to discuss our services and your experience with us, for us to be able to continue to improve our services. We will not pass on your details to anyone else and we will not permit your personal information to be used for other third-party marketing purposes. 
1. Please tick the following boxes if you would like to participate and receive communication from the third-party market research company:
2. Please tick to confirm that you have read and understand the above statement.*
4. Please sign below:

1. Do you have a visual impairment that is corrected by glasses or contact lenses?*
2. If applying for a driving role do you suffer from any conditions that must be reported to the DVLA?*
3. Do you have a hearing impairment that is NOT corrected by a hearing aid?*
4. Do you have a visual impairment that is NOT corrected by glasses or contact lenses?*
5. When did you last have your eyes tested?
6. Do you have any other health factors that might affect your ability to carry out the role for which you have applied?*
7. If you have answered 'Yes' to any of the above questions you may be asked to see a doctor or nurse for further assessment. You will of course be entirely free to decide whether to engage with such an assessment process, however, we may not be able to offer work opportunities if we do not have sufficient information to be able to assess work suitability and whether there might be an impact on health and safety or adaptation required to assist working. I agree that all the information on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have not withheld any information that may be of help to my Health & Safety.* 
9. Please sign below:

1. Have you been convicted of a criminal offence, which is not spent within the terms of The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?*
3. Please sign below:

1. Definitions

i) In this Agreement the following definitions apply: -

"Assignment" means the period during which the Temporary Worker is engaged to render services to the Client.

"Client" means the person, firm or corporate body engaging the services of the Temporary Worker.

"Working Week" means an average of 48 hours each week calculated over a 17-week reference period.

ii) References to the singular include the plural and references to the masculine include the feminine and vice versa

iii) The headings contained in these Terms are for convenience only and do not affect their interpretation

2. Restriction

i) The Working Time Regulations 1998 provide that the Temporary Worker shall not work on an Assignment with the Client above the Working Week unless he agrees in writing that this limit should not apply.

3. Consent

The Temporary Worker hereby agrees that the Working Week limit shall not apply to the Assignments.

4. Withdrawal of Consent

i) The Temporary Worker may end this Agreement by giving the Employment Business 2 months' notice in writing.

ii) For the avoidance of doubt, any notice bringing this Agreement to an end shall not be construed as termination by the Temporary Worker of an Assignment with a Client.

iii) Upon the expiry of the notice period set out in clause 4.1. The working Week limit shall apply with immediate effect.

5. The Law

i) These Terms are governed by the law of the country and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the country in which the Employment Business has its operational address. 

1. Please select 'I AGREE' if you agree to the above terms.
3. Please sign below:

Please provide details of at least 2 referees, including your most recent employer:
1. Referee 1 - please provide the name and contact number or email address.
2. Referee 2 - please provide the name and contact number or email address.
4. Please sign below:

1. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, every employee has a responsibility to:

• Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their activities.

• Co-operate with their employer on health and safety matters.

• Make proper use of equipment provided for safety.

1. ASSESS Assess the operation before lifting. Do you require help? Are there any handling aids available? Warm up and prepare to lift.

2. FEET Adopt a stable position with feet apart and one leg slightly forward to maintain balance.

3. KNEES When lifting from a low level, bend the knees, then use the thigh muscle to control and power the lift.

4. BACK Keep the spinal curves in a neutral position, avoiding stooping and twisting.

5. HEAD When handing, look ahead not down at the load.

6. GRIP Maintain a sure grip using palms and fingers. Hold the load close to reduce the lever effect.

All movements should be smooth and controlled. Avoid sharp, jerky actions which may cause injury.

I acknowledge receipt and understanding of the above briefing on Manual Handling.* 

2. I confirm that I do not suffer from any condition which prevents me from conducting the tasks as taught above.*
4. Please sign below:

1. We understand the difficulties associated with driving delivery vehicles, especially in heavily congested cities. However many of these problems can be avoided through prior planning and good communications with ourselves and the client for whom you are working. Below is an overview of your responsibilities in relation to the various traffic and vehicle restrictions and fines which you may encounter during your working day. Once you have read these, please sign the form below and return it to your ON-DEMAND PEOPLE office. Parking If you are making a delivery and finding it a struggle to park anywhere other than in a restricted area, you must contact the client and gain their consent to pay any fines which you may incur through such actions. In any event, endorsable offences – such as parking on the zigzag markings on the approach to a pedestrian crossing – will always be your responsibility. Moving Traffic Offences Offences such as excessive speed and failure to stop at traffic lights will legally require that we pass your details to the relevant authorities if a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) is issued. ON-DEMAND PEOPLE does not condone such behaviour; no delivery is worth risking your licence and ultimately your career for. Congestion Charge If you have not been briefed that it is acceptable to do so, do not take your vehicle into the Congestion Charge Zone without first consulting with the client or ourselves to obtain permission and enable the client to pay the charge. If you choose to ignore this any resulting fines will be your responsibility. Other Restrictions There are a number of other schemes and restrictions of which you should be aware; these include Bus Lanes, London Borough Transport Scheme, Red Routes and time/weight restrictions. Failure to adhere to the requirements of these schemes and restrictions may result in the operator having to pay a fine. If these charges are passed on to ON-DEMAND PEOPLE, we reserve the right to pass these charges on to you. If you are uncertain of what to do in any given situation please contact either the client, or ourselves and we will advise you on the best course of action. Vehicle & Property Damage and Loss Whilst accidents do happen, should vehicle or property damage occur and/or should property be lost as a result of your negligence, and such costs passed on to us by the client, ON-DEMAND PEOPLE reserves the right to pass on to you all or any part of those costs which cannot be recovered from our insurers. The amount will be a debt owed to ON-DEMAND PEOPLE and will usually be recovered by deductions from your salary in instalments, ensuring at all times that your salary does not pass below what would be the National Minimum Wage for the number of hours worked. Acknowledgement By ticking “I Acknowledge” below, you are confirming that you have read and understood the Fines and Vehicle & Property Damage information, and hereby give consent for ON-DEMAND PEOPLE to recover fines and costs incurred by you, by means which may include making weekly deductions from your salary. 
3. Please sign below:

1. I understand that for Health & Safety reasons it is recommended that protective clothing e.g. safety boots be worn at all times whilst carrying out assignments.*
2. I confirm that I am eligible to work in the UK.*
3. I am aware that the employment business is an Equal Opportunities Employer.*
4. I confirm that I will correctly declare my earnings in respect of any benefit claim. *
5. I understand that should I be asked to work for any company at which I have worked within the last 12 weeks I will inform ON-DEMAND PEOPLE at the earliest possible moment. *
6. I confirm that I agree to the ON-DEMAND PEOPLE terms and conditions but that those terms will terminate automatically and with immediate effect if I accept different terms and conditions with any payroll/umbrella company used by ON-DEMAND PEOPLE, either by signing those other terms or by commencing work when supplied by such payroll/umbrella company. *;
7. I confirm that all the above are true to the best of my knowledge and authorise you to seek the references you require.*
9. Please sign below